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Citation, Style Manual, and Grammar Resource Guide: Online Grammar Guides

Purude University's Online Writing Lab

Purdue Online Writing Lab: Grammar introduction

OWL is a comprehensive writing resource covering topics from grammar to the writing process and citation in multiple popular styles. The link above directs users to the grammar section of the site. Navigate specific grammar topics from the left menu.

From the Purdue site: "The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects. Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out-of-class instruction."

Web Resources for Grammar, Punctuation and Usage

The Hutchinson Dictionary series
Available via ebrary, this dictionary series addresses specific usage of terms within disciplines, and within that context provides quick advice on grammar and usage. It, too, will require you to authenticate as a Suffolk user.
Cambridge Guide to English Usage
Another ebrary offering that provides online access to a reference guide that we also own in print form. This grammar resource has a bit more substance than the Hutchinson listed above. Authentication as a Suffolk user is required to access it.
Oxford Dictionaries: Better Writing
While we have the useful Oxford English Dictionary and Oxford Reference Online Premium, we do not subscribe to the separate "Oxford Dictionaries."  Still, this area providing tips on better writing is currently open access.  Sections include Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation and more.  There aren't a lot of entries in any category.  Still, some of the tips cover classic writing conundrums like when you use I or me, or how to use the apostrophes in a proper way.
Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation
Jane Strauss is the author of a guide and workbook on English grammar. She now has a website companion, as well. Pick Grammar or Punctuation from the bright blue frame to the left. On the inner page, pick a more specific topic from the pop-open window of Table of Contents. A discussion with examples will be displayed. Exercises and quizzes are also offered.
Common Errors in English Usage
Paul Brians, a professor of English at Washington State University created this page, which is an online companion to his book by the same title. There are individual links to specific topics related to common spelling gaffes and grammatical puzzlers. (Remember, the listing is usually listed under the error and not under the correct spelling or usage!) There are also links to "Supplementary Pages" and "Other Good Resources" at the bottom of the main page. A very handy display of tips for a quick check on a word or usage point!
Chicago Manual of Style: Q & A
The Chicago Manual of Style is the definitive source for scholarly style, from term papers to dissertations to book manuscripts. At this page, you can search the questions that have been sent to the editors. They cover anything from the proper use of abbreviations to the horrors of split infinitives. Use the search engine in the left frame to find Q&A entries that might apply to your question.
Grammar, Punctuation, and Capitalization: A Handbook for Technical Writers and Editors
This extensive writing guide, written by Mary K. McCaskill of the Langley Research Center in Virginia is a NASA publication designed for technical writers. It is, however, a good basic guide that can benefit any writer who is a little shaky on the finer points of English grammar and punctuation. The file, which is 108 pages long, is in the form of a PDF.
Grammar Girl: Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing
This commercial site opts for a bright, hip design--and way too many advertisements and tangential links.  Still, the readable style is useful for those who feel overwhelmed by grammar tips that are just TOO academic.  Tips are organized in sections like Grammar, Punctuation and Style.  And there's a list of "Top 5 Tips."  The day I looked over this website, the number one tip was discussing the usage differences between affect and effect.  (That's one that trips up a lot of people!)
Voice of the Shuttle: Style & Grammar Guides
Want to explore even more internet resources on grammar and academic style? Try this metasite page, from the Voice of the Shuttle project at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Grammar, Usage, and Style
While VoS (above) loves to sort materials into categories, simply provides a long annotated list of links. There are lots of exploration possibilities presented here.