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Marine Science Resource Guide: Government & Institution Websites

Government & Institution Websites

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
The NOAA websites are packed with information published by its organizations including: Satellites and Information; Fisheries (e.g. NOAA Fisheries: National Marine Fisheries Service); National Ocean Service (e.g. Ocean Service); Research; and Marine & Aviation Operations. The NOAA Central Library web page has a list of useful links. The NMFS Scientific Publications Office provides information on purchasing NMFS publications and links to free full-text in recent issues of the Fishery Bulletin and the Marine Fisheries Review.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Includes information about the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's coastal conservation and endangered species programs, fisheries and habitat conservation, national wetlands inventory, and other areas where the Service is active.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
The mission of Woods Hole, the largest independent oceanographic institution in the world, "is to develop and effectively communicate a fundamental understanding of the processes and characteristics governing how the oceans function and how they interact with Earth as a whole." The WHOI website consists of 3 major sections: a general institution website, research and marine operations, and educational opportunities. Also worth noting are the numerous bibliographies on fisheries (e.g. Early Life History of Fishes), marine mammals (e.g. Small Cetaceans), and other marine environment topics (e.g. George's Bank) maintained by the Marine Biological Laboratory/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Library.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Self-described as "one of the oldest, largest, and most important centers for marine science research, graduate training, and public service in the world," Scripps maintains a website that includes: research overviews; expedition photographs; and a selection of current articles from Scripps' quarterly magazine Explorations.
AGRICOLA, the online catalog for the National Agricultural Library (NAL), also provides a means of accessing agricultural information from around the world. The "Books" search contains references to books and other materials in the NAL library but the "Articles" search includes citations, abstracts, and links to online full-text where available. Some of the allied disciplines covered in AGRICOLA include aquaculture and fisheries, and earth and environmental sciences.

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