Open-access (OA) literature is understood to be online, frequently free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. This guide links to open resources in higher education that provide open teaching materials, videos, books, and image
Lumen offers courseware-supported content for a fee, but allows open use of the text or images in their courses. Free material may include slides, assignments, course preparation material, as well as thematic content.
MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) offers an online repository of peer-reviewed instructional materials created by post-secondary educators. In addition to course content, these materials may include course planning material and assessment tools, which are readily available to other faculty to use in their courses.
"MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity."
OER Commons brings together many educational resources, including audio lectures, assessments, readings, textbooks, and more. This link presents full courses available from OER Commons.
OCL is a collection of open course materials, including syllabi, activities, readings, and assessments designed by college faculty, instructional designers, librarians, and others.
Created by the UK's Open University, Open Learn aims to make as much free learning content available as possible. Others are encouraged to adapt these materials to develop new free learning content.
OLI is a grant-funded organization at Carnegie Mellon University, offering mostly low-cost online courses to all who want to learn or teach. The organization’s goal is to create high-quality courses and contribute original research to improve learning.
This is a STEM focused collection of free educational software. MIT’s STAR team collaborates with MIT faculty and other educational institutions to design software which describes core scientific research concepts. All of the STAR educational tools are freely available.
Another STEM focused open-source course technology, WeBWorK specifically handles online science and math homework delivery. Requires a hosting solution to use.
This peer-reviewed journal publishes original syllabi, assessment instruments, assignments and activities, and articles related to college teaching. Assignments, activities, and syllabi are freely available.