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How Do I Find (...) ?: Find Books on a Topic

Brief tutorials for common assignments that require library research.

Sample Research Topic

Topic: Find books describing the gap in health between those living in wealthy communities, and those living in poverty.

Search for Books

Search for physical books and e-books using the Books search function on the Sawyer Library home page. This option will lead to the Library catalog.

[Note: the OneSearch option to search across multiple databases and source types will be covered in a separate section.]

Books Search: Results List

The Books Search widget on the Library home page brings users to the Online Catalog interface, where the results are displayed. 

The blue icon displayed next to the book title indicates an E-book

Book Description in the Library Catalog

The selection of a title from the results list leads to the item's landing page in the catalog.

The information provided in this record contains much of what is required for a citation in a list of references. 

Off campus users will be prompted for their Suffolk login (email username and password) when accessing e-book content.


Library Catalog: Subject Headings

Each item in the catalog has been assigned one or more subject headings.

Clicking on a subject heading leads to that term within the subject index of the catalog.

The index lets users view a list of all the items that have been assigned that same subject heading.

[Library catalogs are in fact, the originators of the 'more like this' feature!]

Limit Results by Material Type / Format

When the Library is closed (for reasons such as legal holidays, the winter break, snow closings, and epidemics), the physical collection of books is inaccessible.

During these circumstances, users may wish to limit their search results to only those items that are available online. In the Library Catalog, this is done by looking for the option to Limit / Modify the search, and then select the Material Type option. Then choose "E-Books." 

E-Books and videos are two of the material type categories.


Screen shot: Library catalog > Limit Search by Material Type

How Do I Cite in MLA Style?

Sawyer Library Home Page > [drop down] Book Search


Screen shot: Sawyer Library home > Books drop down widget > search for health disparities

Library Catalog: Results List


Screen shot: Book search results in the catalog

Catalog Landing Page for the Book

  • This title is an appropriate choice for the topic of the health gap between those living in wealthy communities, and those living in poverty.
  • Most of the components needed to cite this book are provided in this catalog record. 
  • Use the linked subject headings to find additional items on similar topics. 
  • Upon clicking on the link to the full text of this ebook, users will be prompted for their Suffolk University email username and password

Screen shot: the landing page in the library catalog provides a link to e-book content.


Scroll to the end of the record about the book to see the Subject Headings:

Screen shot: Library Catalog book record: Subject Heading "Social Medicine"


Clicking on the Subject Heading term leads to that section of the Subject Index:

Screen shot of library catalog subject index for "social medicine."

List of Titles that all Share the Subject Heading "Social Medicine."

  • In this case there are 210 items that all share the Subject Heading 'Social Medicine.' 
  • Some items are E-books (blue icons), and some are physical books (open book icon).
  • It is possible to limit the search results by material type, (see the left margin column of this tutorial page.)

Screen shot: Library Catalog Subject Listing for Social Medicine. Highlight of the Limit Search button.

Library Catalog: Sort Options

  • In this example 124 E-books, which all share the subject heading 'Social Medicine,' are displayed in an alphanumeric sort order. 
  • The Sort option 'Most Recent' is used to change the order of the results to have the newest titles listed first.

Screen shot: Library catalog > sort results in order of most recent first.

Library Catalog: Citation Information

  • After sorting the ebooks in order of most recent first, this 2019 ebook on the social and economic indicators that lead to health disparities was easily spotted. 
  • Components needed to cite this book can be found in the catalog record. The Library catalog does not feature a 'cite' button to generate the citation automatically.
  • Frequently, publishers of ebooks will provide citation information (CITE button) for the book as a whole, and / or for individual chapters within the ebook. This feature will vary by publisher.

Screen shot: Library catalog and citation information