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HST 239 : Oral History Project, Spring 2024: 'OneSearch' box

What is included in the 'OneSearch' Option?

  • The 'OneSearch' box is the first option under 'Search Library Resources,' on the Mildred F. Sawyer Library home page. 
  • The 'OneSearch' feature, also called the 'Discovery Service,' searches across multiple article databases and the Library Catalog simultaneously. 
  • The results intermingle all varieties of content, regardless of the format: print books, e-books, articles (online), and streaming videos. 
  • This enables users to cast a very wide net to identify articles, books, e-books, and streaming videos in a single search. 

Access the Advanced Search option of OneSearch

OneSearch's Advantages

  • Nearly every imaginable search will generate results.
  • Since multiple disciplines are represented by the underlying databases, users may find articles from sources that might not have been encountered otherwise.  

Limit and Sort Results

Search results can list hundreds of thousands of articles and books. 

  • Users should use the limit options as a means of exploring the content, rather than exclusively relying on the relevancy algorithm's selection of the top 20 results.


OneSearch Results - Note the Filter Options

  • Most searches in the OneSearch box result in many thousands of items, such as journal articles, books, or videos. 
  • Your search terms will be highlighted in the results list. 
  • Use the filters to narrow down your results. Many classes require the use of peer reviewed journal articles.

OneSearch results for 'college admissions'