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Connecting Wirelessly to the Printers in the Sawyer Library Student Commons: Windows 7

Use this guide to set up printing to the printers in the Sawyer Library Student Commons, located on the 9th floor.

Installing the PaperCut Client for Windows

  1. Open the Start Menu by clicking the Windows 7 start button button.
  2. In the search box at the bottom, type in \\PCClient\win
  3. Screenshot of the start menu with the server address entered into the search box
  4. You will be prompted to sign in, you will use your email username and password, but the structure is as follows:\username and then type in your password
  5. The folder holding the client opens
    Screenshot of the client folder
  6. Double-click on the file named client-local-install

  7. Screenshot of the first installation window

  8. Indicate that you accept the license agreement, and click Next
    Screenshot of second step of installation

  9. Click Next
    Screenshot of the third installation step

  10. Click Next
    Screenshot of step 4

  11. Click Install
    Screenshot of step 5

  12. A status bar will display the progress of the installation.
    Screenshot of step 6

  13. Click Finish
    Screenshot of step 7
  14. You will be presented with a dialog box to log into your account, using your email username and password. 
    Screenshot of the login dialog box
  15. When you open the Start Menu, you will see the PaperCut Client software as a program.
    Screenshot of the start menu
  16. You can also verify that the software is running by checking the tray in the lower right corner of your desktop.
    Screenshot of the tray, displaying the PaperCut client


Subject Guide

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Sarah Smith
73 Tremont Street
2nd Floor
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 573-8432