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Cited References: Tracking Who Cited a Particular Publication: Other Databases

Using Other Sawyer Library Databases to Search for Cited References

Some of our library databases, including our publisher aggregate files of scholarly journals, provide the ability to search within article references.  Here is an example from Sage, followed by a few other options in other databases.  Be flexible and explore!


On the opening screen of Sage Journals Online you can open a drop-down box and choose to search specifically in References



Sage then produces a list of articles in THEIR journals that cite Trivers:



The technique used in Sage is very similar to what's available in a database like Wiley.  Here's a screenshot:


Wiley Online Library

Another approach works in Wiley if the article you are tracking is actually IN this database.

In this case, search for the original article and then look for the tab for "Cited by," as below:


Remember, any database that searches within the content of articles has the ability to find cited references, even if they don't provide the ability to check in a specific field (that is, the references or works cited) in the search form.  Here's an example of this wider search in Oxford Journals Online:



I do find quite a few articles citing Trivers, even without a References search option.
