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Digital Collections @ Suffolk User's Guide

Use this guide to help with using Suffolk's Digital Commons site, Digital Collections @ Suffolk.

Author Submission Agreement Text

The following is a preview of the Submission Agreement text that will be visible when uploading content to Digital Collections @ Suffolk using the Submit Research link. 

Digital Collections @ Suffolk Author Submission Agreement

If the Submitter is the copyright owner, the Submitter still retains copyright to the deposited work and does not give up the right to submit the Work to publishers or other repositories. If the Submitter is not the copyright owner, the Submitter represents that the copyright owner(s) has given the Submitter permission to deposit the Work in Digital Collections @ Suffolk.

By checking the Submit button, I grant my school or department on behalf of Suffolk University the non-exclusive right to distribute my submission ("the Work"), in perpetuity, over the Internet and make it part of Digital Collections @ Suffolk.

I warrant as follows:

1. I have full authority to grant the rights set forth in this license.

2. This submission does not, to the best of my knowledge, infringe on anyone’s copyright or other intellectual property rights.

3. If the submission does contain material for which I do not hold copyright and that exceeds fair use, I have obtained the unrestricted permission of the copyright owner to grant Digital Collections @ Suffolk the rights required by this license, and that such third-party owned material is clearly identified and acknowledged within the text or content of the submission.

4. The Work contains no libelous, defamatory or unlawful material and Submitter agrees to hold the University harmless from any claim, suit or proceeding based on the grounds that The Work contains such material, and agrees to indemnify the University against such claims, including reasonable expenses and attorney’s fees incurred in defending, settling, or otherwise responding to such claims.

5. There are not any restrictions or required publication delays (embargoes) on the distribution of the submission by Digital Collections @ Suffolk administrators unless specified in the appropriate place on the submission form.

6. The information I provided on the submission form is accurate.

7. I understand that the item submitted will not be removed, but may be suppressed from public view by the Libraries for the following reasons: journal publishers’ rules, proven copyright violation, proven plagiarism, or legal requirements.