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GIS: Geographic Information Science/Systems: Where is the full text?

Selected resources on GIS, with an emphasis on materials available online. Note: Online books and databases are accessible with a current Suffolk University ID.

Article Search

Use AND to combine the search terms that should appear in the resulting articles. 

For example, a similar search could be: data mapping AND public health.  

How do I get to the full text?



Many articles are available within the database, frequently as a PDF file.

However, sometimes there is no PDF link, or HTML full text, and only the abstract (summary) of the article is available.

In those instances, use the Full Text Finder link to check to see if the article is available in a different periodical database.


'Full Text Finder' button

The appearance of the Full Text Finder button is not a guarantee that the full text is available elsewhere.

Instead, clicking the button runs a search to see if the Sawyer Library has access to the journal (from the appropriate time frame), within another periodical database.


Subject Guide