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INTO AE 065 - Fall 2023: Business Source Complete

Access 'Business Source Complete'

Transferable Skills: Other Databases with a Similar Interface

'Business Source Complete' Sample Search

A search for the term drones returns over 12,000 results, - too many to sift through!

Using two search boxes, one concept per box, a search for drones AND delivery  narrows the results to about 1,000.

'Business Source Complete' - Limit & Sort Results

What are the best ways to evaluate over a thousand search results?

LIMIT Results by the type of publication:

  • Publications such as magazines and newspapers are written for the average audience. They are considered to be reliable sources.
  • Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) / Academic Journals are written for scholars. These articles constitute the highest level of scholarship.
  • Trade publications are written by industry professionals, and the intended audience are other professionals in the same industry.

Change the order in which the results are displayed:

  • Most (but not all) databases display the results in order of relevance. This may be changed to see the most recent articles first.

'Business Source Complete' - CITE button

Use the CITE button to capture the citation for your list of references. The most frequently used citation styles are APA and MLA.

Click on an appropriate Subject Term to run a new search for articles which share that subject heading.

Subject Terms

Use the linked Subject Terms to find additional articles on the same topic. In the boxes below, the subject term drone aircraft delivery was used find an additional 352 articles, which all share that subject.

'Business Source Complete' - Search Screen

Type one concept per box.

The AND requires that both search terms appear in the results.

In this example, the goal is to find articles on the advantages and risks of using drones to deliver packages.

'Business Source Complete' - Search Results

'Business Source Complete' - Sample Article

The article below from March 2020 was found by sorting the results in order of the most recent first.

'Business Source Complete' - Use the Subject Terms