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WRI-H102-A - First Year Writing II, Professor Nicholas Frangipane: 'CQ Researcher'

"Science, the Unknown and Ethics" using the example of the science of quarantine vs. the ethics of restricting movement.

Access CQ Researcher here.

CQ Researcher: Article Highlights

Most reports (*) in CQ Researcher begin with an introduction, overview, and background information. Take note of the Pro / Con section, in which a specific question is posed, and then two arguments, for and against, are presented.

Use the CITE button to capture the citation for your list of works cited. Be sure to select MLA as the style.

(*) Some reports may be "Short Reports" intended as an introduction, with links to additional standard length reports.

CQ Researcher - Opening Screen & Sample Report


Opening screen of CQ Researcher


CQ Researcher: landing page of sample report (Humanities Education)