Sawyer Library has specific guides linking resources for major citation styles used at Suffolk:
There are many citation styles, publication manuals, and handbooks for proper English usage that students and researchers in a wide variety of disciplines use. This guide lists a selection of print manuals and online resources that will help you construct and write a research paper and cite your sources. If the print style manual or grammar guide you are looking for is not listed, please use the Suffolk University Library Catalog to check for it.
The illustration to the right (art by Maira Kalman) is of one of the many editions of The Elements of Style that Sawyer Library owns. This classic handbook of grammar and usage was first created by Cornell University English professor William Strunk in 1918. Later, it was revised by E. B. White (who is best known as the author of the beloved Children's Lit novel, Charlotte's Web).
The original "Strunk" is now available free on the web (but watch out for pop-ups).
We have many editions of the revised "Strunk & White," too.
Just for fun... If you would like to see Ms. Kalman's video homage to Strunk & White, click the below picture to take a look at a YouTube Video:
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