Available online at Gale Virtual Reference
REF. LB15 .E47 2003 (print)
Contains over 850 articles ranging from 500 to 5,000 words. Entries cover topics such as k-12 education, international education, educational policy, teacher preparation, testing, and biographical sketches. Articles are signed and include bibliographies.
Current editions available through Department of Education
REF. LA210 .A28 (print)
Annual publication of the National Center for Educational Statistics. Provides statistics on elementary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education at the national level. Includes projections for enrollment, graduates, classroom teachers, and expenditures.
Available online at Gale Virtual Reference
REF. LB15 .W87 2002 (print)
Provides comprehensive essays on the educational systems of 233 countries and/or territories. Each essay generally includes basic data (literacy rate, language, etc.), information on political and educational philosophy, new technologies, and study abroad programs. Includes statistics and graphs.
Current editions available at the National Center for Educational Statistics website.
REF L112 .N377a (1988-2005)
Produced by the National Center for Education Statistics, this annual provides key U.S. education data in graphic form. Covers all levels of education, from elementary through graduate and adult learners. Includes learner outcomes, dropout rates, degrees conferred, school and teacher characteristics, postsecondary accommodations, educational financing, and more.
Recent editions are available at The National Center for Education for Education Statistics.
REF. L112 .D54 (print)
An annual compilation of statistics covering American education from kindergarten through graduate school. Library has print copies through 1999.
REF. LC1099.3 .H35 2004
Assembles the major research and scholarship related to multicultural education that has been developed since the 1960's and 1970's. Covers goals, trends, assessment research examples, immigration and social factors, policy implications, and attitudes. Each chapter is signed and provides an extensive list of references.
REF. LB2805 .H2864 1999
A project of the American Educational Research Association, this volume covers the development of educational leadership, institutional theory, resource management, scholarship, and more. Includes extensive bibliographies.
REF. LC4007 .E53 2002
Provides articles written by experts in the field of special education for children and adults. References for each article are included. Covers international topics.
REF. KF4119.3 .A43 2009
Provides the school teacher and administrator with an explanation of the laws that protect children and also assure teachers academic freedom. Covers state and federal disability rights and constitutional provisions that protect teachers.
REF. KFM2491 .H3L44 2002
A compilation of Massachusetts and federal disability law. Covers legal requirements of special education; mediation, hearings, and litigation in special education; and discipline of students.
REF. BF698.5 .B878
Descriptive listings of commercially published tests that are in print and available for purchase. This is a comprehensive index to the Mental Measurements Yearbook series. It includes a bibliography of commercial tests, bibliographies of references to specific tests, test title index, a listing of out-of-print tests, subject index, name index, and score index. Full-text available through EBSCO.
REF. BF431 .M4
Contains descriptive information on 286 tests, as well as 508 test reviews by 305 authors. Includes a bibliography of tests, critical test reviews, title index, subject index, publishers' directory and index, and name index. Full-text available through EBSCO.