LGBTQ+ Source This link opens in a new windowEbsco, the publisher, describes this online file as "the definitive index to the world's literature regarding Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender issues." It contains more than 200 Abstracted and Indexed Journals, more than 360 Abstracted and Indexed Books and Reference Works, as well as full-text for more than 130 of the "most important and historically significant LGBT journals, magazines and regional newspapers." It also contains more than 170 full-text monographs/books including Classics in Lesbian Studies, Gay Science: The Ethics of Sexual Orientation Research, Handbook of Research with Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Populations, and Queer Theory & Social Change. Links are provided to resources found in our other databases, too. Be aware that not everything in this resource is "scholarly." Community activist literature--which can be very valuable--is also included. So limit results to "Peer Reviewed," when appropriate.