EBSCO databases allow users to both export and create citations with ease.
Select your article, and click its title to open the record for that item.
While viewing the record for the item, look for TOOLS listed to the right.
You can export to RefWorks from here, or you can simply click on CITE to retrieve a formatted citation.
The Cite Window offers several options in citation format. You can copy and paste this citation, but be sure to review the citation for accurate formatting.
Note that even Ebsco warns against copying and pasting the citation without reviewing it! Since this citation is created by a computer algorithm, you should always check it against whatever style guide your professor requires you to use.
Also note that the terms above the citation information ("References," "Bibliography," "Works Cited") are provided to indicate what each citation style calls its list of works cited. This term is NOT part of the individual citation.
When you EMAIL or PRINT an HTML version of an article (from the TOOL list to the right of a particular item), you also have the option of emailing or printing a citation in a particular format.
The citation will appear on the article printed or in your email.
Ebsco provides additional information about citing in the major citation styles at their website.
Or consult the additional resources listed in our general Citation Guide: