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Economics Resource Guide: Mergent Market Atlas: Data in Support of Economic Research

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Mergent Market Atlas: Economics


Mergent Market Atlas Economics tab

Mergent Market Atlas: U.S Economic Shapshot

Mergent Market Atlas U.S. Snapshot

The Snapshot for the U.S. includes tables and charts for:
Leading Index of Economic Indicators Real Personal Consump Expend-Total, SAAR ($Bil)
Real GDP Housing Activity
Employment Manufacturers New Orders
Consumer & Producer Price Indexes Industrial Production Index
Consumer Confidence M2 Money Supply, NSA ($Bil)
Retail Sales-Total, SA Monthly ($Mil) Treasury Rates

Mergent Market Atlas: Analysis (U.S.)

Mergent Market Atlas Analysis

Mergent Market Atlas - Economic Time Series

To access time series data in Mergent Market Atlas, select the category, then switch from chart to table. The export function will appear.

Mergent Market Atlas > select parameters > switch from chart to table > then export

Mergent Market Atlas: Reports

Mergent's reports cover "macroeconomic time series data including leading economic indicators, GDP, employment, consumer and producer price indexes, consumer confidence measures, consumption, production, manufacturing and housing activity. Mergent Economic Reports are refreshed daily and depict current conditions and historical economic cycles through revealing charts and tables."

Mergent Market Atlas Reports