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Subscribing to Journal RSS Feeds: Adding a subscription to an RSS Reader

Subscribing to an RSS feed with Google Reader

  1. Go to
    1. If you are not logged in, log in
    2. If you do not yet have an account, register for one.
  2. Click on the  button, located in the above the left-hand navigation pane.
  3. In the window that opens, paste the URL of the RSS feed to which you would like to subscribe
    screenshot of add a subscription popup 
    1. For instructions on obtaining the URL for an RSS feed, read the instructions in the appropriate database tab of this guide.
  4. Click screenshot of add icon
  5. At this point, the main pane of the window should fill with excerpts from any recent items from the RSS feed:
    screenshot of reader pane in Google Reader
  6. To read the full text of any feed, click on the screenshot of icon indicating go to original icon to the right of the entry's title.
  7. To navigate through your feeds, click on the folders or feed titles located under Subscriptions in the left-hand navigation pane.
    screenshot of left-hand navigation pane in google reader 

Subscribing to an RSS Feed with Microsoft Outlook

  1. Open Microsoft Outlook Microsoft Outlook logo
  2. In the Mail Navigation Panel, locate the RSS Feeds folder
    screenshot of mail navigation panel Outlook 
  3. Right-click on the screenshot of RSS feeds folder Folder
  4. In th menu that opens, select Add New RSS Feed
    RSS right-click menu options 
  5. In the popup window that appears, paste the URL for the RSS feed you would like to add.
  6. Click screenshot of add button
  7. To view the contents of the RSS feed, click on the screenshot of plus button next to screenshot of RSS Feeds folder
  8. Feeds each appear in their own subfolder of the RSS Feeds menu.
  9. To view an individual feed entry, click on its title just as you would an email in your Outlook Inbox.
  10. An open RSS feed in MS Outlook will look something like this:
     screenshot of MS Outlook open to RSS folder